ICQUA 2023

Third Iraqi German Conference on Quality and Accreditation
Second International Conference on Quality in Healthcare Services

Shortly after the second Iraqi German Conference on Quality in Healthcare Services / IGCQUA2022 – ICQUA2022, the 3rd was organized in Stuttgart, in June 26, 2023, in collaboration with Temos International and Temos Academy. The conference addressed a critical issue in the medical field, ethics and its importance to the medical practice. The conference also discussed malpractice and patients, rights among other things:

  • Understand the role of quality Management with Ethics in medical practice.
  • What is Malpractice, reporting and responsibilities?
  • How does healthcare organizations deal with indemnity claims?
  • The role of clinical auditing in evaluating clinical outcomes.
  • Patients’ Rights versus Doctors’ Rights

The event included presentations, discussion, group work and evaluation and feedback. The main speakers where: 

Around 20 participants joined the event from Iraq and experience was shared with experts from Egypt and Germany.